American Security Project’s New “AI Imperative 2030” Initiative Will Shepherd Thought Leadership on Strategic Competition with China in Artificial Intelligence
National Security Experts, Retired Flag Officers, and former U.S. Officials to Build Bipartisan Consensus on Emerging AI Threats
Washington, D.C. — Starting this winter, “AI Imperative 2030,” a new initiative of the non-partisan national security think tank American Security Project, aims to inform and elevate vital public discourse on United States-China competition in artificial intelligence. China has set a goal of leading the world in AI by 2030, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the country that “becomes the leader in this sphere will be the ruler of the world.” To face these threats head-on, AI Imperative 2030 will convene prominent national security voices and elevate ideas and policies critical to extending the United States’s competitive AI edge against China and combat the malign designs of Russia.
“For almost twenty years, the American Security Project has been synonymous with elevating complex, emerging issues of national security importance, whether climate change or military readiness, and pointing the compass towards bipartisan consensus and common sense,” said Lieutenant General Norm Seip, ASP’s President. “The increasing level of global competition with China and the rapid development of novel technologies with strategic consequences necessitates a long-term approach that both parties can get behind. This issue is a perfect fit for an organization dedicated to wrestling with big questions and thinking about the future’s most critical challenges.”
AI Imperative 2030 will be a unifying force in the national discussion on AI, elevating the importance of U.S. leadership and American values in the advancement of this critical technology. The initiative will highlight the high stakes of China’s efforts to overtake the United States in this arena through its civil-military fusion, state-owned enterprises, and government-directed strategy. ASP is well-established to explore this and expand upon its previous portfolio of research on China’s tech strategy, as highlighted in its 2023 report, Code War.
David Wade, former Chief of Staff to the US Department of State and an ASP Board Member, said,
"AI innovation, policy, and regulation must be a top priority for the new Congress and the incoming Administration. AI Imperative 2030 will be a critical voice engaging and educating those policy discussions, bringing together U.S. national security experts and a broad array of policy stakeholders to create a coherent strategy promoting innovation while ensuring responsible use of AI and the development of democratized AI that serves the public good."
About the American Security Project
The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering an understanding of national security challenges. Founded by Republicans and Democrats, and with a board including retired military flag officers, ambassadors, and business leaders, ASP educates the American public and policymakers on issues of national security and foreign policy. By convening experts and stakeholders, the organization addresses emerging security threats and promotes solutions to ensure the safety and prosperity of the United States and its allies.
For more information on AI Imperative 2030, please contact:
Josh Vlasto